Thursday, August 23, 2012

The First Cut Is the Deepest

I'm not much of a blogger. Let that be my "hi, how are you?" Several ill-fated experiments and half-rotted corpses litter the ether of the scattered matrix, those which have been archived, (but isn't it safe to say everything is archived at this point, dear reader?) those that were never finished or (more accurately) started, never to become what they could or should have, those which rumbled to dust in the sunbeam of public scrutiny, as Christopher Lee in "Horror of Dracula." I've always been a writer (small w). Haven't we all - both in the sense of actually using an instrument to scratch symbols onto a medium and in the more self-satisfying sense that we put things "out there" through boxes small or large that are right here in front of us, hoping someone, many ones, read, enjoy, redistribute - always been writers? That fact notwithstanding, I find myself wanting this, a forum for paradoxically superficial anonymity and superficial intimacy. To rant and dribble, introspect, reflect and genuflect. To talk about my favorite things and decidedly unfavorite things. To post about music, movies, books, and my own artistic leanings, projects and the like. There is absolutely nothing different about this blog. The desire we all have to be set apart positively as internet writers is a farce, the Holy eGrail, if you will. Even uniqueness has become structured here, because it is a medium to bring you in to someone for whom you are still removed by 1. But that's ok. The trade-off is that perhaps by all of us sharing, we effect a different kind of uniqueness, the kind which naturally evolves out of such a large community. Unless this were a cult. But then we wouldn't know the difference anyhow. At least that's what they told us in that movie. Ok ok, without getting too blowhardy - and we all know it's far, far too late for  that, which may be something we'll all just have to get used to here - let me take it down to twitterspeak format. This is my blog. In it I share and expound, on music, movies,, ok,  the m words for this cute little sentence have deserted me...and such. Who knows. Sometimes there will be more, sometimes less. I've bitched enough about people losing true communication in social media without actually putting myself out there that even I can't deny I'm being a hypocrite. Perhaps it's the derision that stems from fear. Also, there will possibly be tidbits related to nothing at all. Certainly there will be lots about my favorite band - the one I'm in - as well as talk about other projects I "do". Why? Because I have lots to say, and Hell, trying it on again, blogging is fun. So, now that I've finished that last sentence, it appears my "blog introduction post" muse has left my side (I have very specific purpose-driven muses; don't ask) indicating a sign off is next. Come back again, won't you? If you do, I will. Deal. 

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